Chakra Inversion - Energy Helps Create Powerful Abstract Artwork

Chakra Inversion - Energy Helps Create Powerful Abstract Artwork

More spirals have found their way into my abstract artwork. The spirals in this piece are large and colorful and remind me of the energy centers in the body.

Some people call these energy centers, chakras, and that is the name I first learned for them. I can’t say I’ve ever seen their colors, per se, but I have enjoyed brilliant violet colors and deep emerald green colors while meditating. The glowing purple color feels connected to my mind, and the warm jade seems to blossom around my heart. Beyond that - I know nothing!

Although, I recently experienced the brightest, blinding white light ever perched atop the left side of my head after a particularly strong meditation! I’ve heard that the spiraling energy not only goes up but can come back in. Some people experience this as a white light. Maybe that is what happened to me.

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